Friday, February 12, 2010

Every now and then I find out that more people than I expect actually read my blog, and then I feel bad for these long absences where I totally give up the blog (often along with exercise, home-cooked meals and some basic hygiene) when I get overwhelmed with something or other that is going on in my life.

As usual, Al and I have veered from a long period of normal every day humdrum to a million things happening all at once.  I've started my new job at CHOP (did I mention I walk to work every day--how awesome is that!), our house is for sale, we're buying the big monster of a project house down the street (closing on the 19th) and we're buried under 2 feet of snow with no likelihood of getting plowed out or the kids going back to school ever in the near future.

Hence my lack of blogging.

Sorry for the loyal few readers...

Hopefully I'll be back soon with pictures, house renovation news, gossip, crafts, etc. 


Christine said...

yippee a post! (i can relate to the pauses though)

Emily said...

I love reading your blog Jes. I don't know how you keep it up. I tried it about a year ago and after about 4 posts never looked back. Good luck with all the house selling/buying and such. xo