Monday, March 2, 2009

I've got wheels! I am now the proud owner of a 2004 Ford Windstar, bought from another midwife in the neighborhood and a former teacher of mine from Penn. This is so great. I think this must be the biggest car in the world. Everyone else is going for efficiency and gas mileage and I am driving the biggest car in the world and all I am is thrilled because I don't have to bend over to get the carseat into it, and I can put my jogger in the back, and I've already outfitted it with a huge supply of diapers, wipes, paper towels, spare clothes, snacks and water bottles. And the only place I ever go in it is to and from the kids school (3 miles each way).

I'm glad the days of dragging the kids home on the trolley are over.

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